Use Patient Charting to Boost Business

For most aesthetic providers, the importance of maintaining thorough patient notes is a no brainer.  However, there are little details in the note taking process that can be missed from time-to-time.  While they are rarely an issue, when they do become an issue, they can be rather significant.  Sometimes items are omitted because the system used to make notes does not offer an easy way to make such documentation.  Other times, providers get busy and simply forget. Regardless of the reason, a no excuses approach to a consistent and detailed note taking process is not only good for ensuring patient safety, but also for business.

In conjunction with client intake and consent forms, maintaining thorough patient charts is crucial for the safety of the client and for building deep and meaningful relationships. Most electronic medical records (EMR) systems and point-of-sale (POS) systems offer multiple opportunities to input important data as they not only relate to the client visit, but also to non-visit related relationship building information about the client.

As such, we offer five reasons why you should make client note taking a priority. By following this tried-and-true process you will not only ensure client safety, which is also good for business, but you will ensure the development of a deeper client relationship, which, as you guessed it, is also good for business.

  1. All providers have heard of and likely incorporate SOAP noting into their regular documentation practice.  If they haven’t, they should. SOAP stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan. SOAP is an acronym representing a widely used method of documentation for healthcare providers. It offers a structured and organized way to document a client’s visit.  It also makes interpretation of notes and finding information easier during follow up visits. This is especially true if the client is seen by a different provider. The SOAP note process helps guide a provider’s thinking or “clinical reasoning” as they assess, diagnose, and treat a client based on the information provided to them. Most important, it forces detailed documentation of the client visit and ensures a successful follow up. Successful follow ups lead to improved follow up treatments, a more satisfied client, and client loyalty. Click here to learn more about SOAP notes.

  2. Documenting the rationale of a treatment is one important aspect of the clinical detail necessary to ensure client safety and satisfaction.  Providing the data from the products used during treatment is another.  By adding batch numbers, expirations dates, and units of measure for products used, a provider can ensure a quick response to any possible issues related to product efficacy.  For example, if a batch of neurotoxins is found to be contaminated, locating the use of contaminated batches becomes quicker and easier, as does corrective treatment. We’d much rather contact the client when we find out there is an issue than have a client contact us. When you are the first to give notice, your credibility increases as does the client’s view about your concern for their safety.

  3. There will be a time when a client is unhappy. It is inevitable. The reasons are vast. The motivations many. You can do everything right and still find yourself in a situation where a client is not happy with their results and as such, they make life hard. Be it negative reviews on social media or litigation, neither is good. By being meticulous with your note taking process you not only ensure patient safety, great follow up treatments, and the best results, you also protect the practice and provider against unwarranted accusations. When client notes are clear, detailed, and follow a clinical rationale, defense against unwarranted accusations becomes much easier.  When the time comes for such an unpleasant process you and your team will be glad you held them accountable for strong note taking procedures.

  4. Before and after pictures not only make for great marketing images, but also serve as proof of progress.  For example, many times clients will forget how bad their skin was prior to coming to you. By providing images of their last visit or a series of images from their last six visits, you offer proof that the treatment regimen you recommended is working. As such, your credibility increases in their eyes and future recommendations become easier.  This is good for business and good for your client.  Remember, when trust increases, loyalty grows.  

  5. Everyone wants to be wanted and noticed. When your team makes notes in the system about the little things as they relate to a client and then references this information at follow up visits, the positive view they have of your practice only gets better. When you know what they drink and have it ready for them when they arrive for a visit, remember their birthday with a card or email, recall a recent vacation they mentioned at their last visit, or inquire about their child’s recent graduation, you move from a transactional relationship to a friendship. Friendships last. Transactions terminate.

By documenting elements like progress monitoring through before and after pictures, purchased products, skin modifications, and any pertinent information, you not only enhance your relationships with clients, but elevate your professional expertise. This meticulous approach ensures that your providers are well-informed, organized, and attentive to the individual needs of each client, propelling your aesthetic practice to the forefront of the field, while reinforcing excellent professional habits.

💌 Are you ready to take on an investment partner to help you grow your medical aesthetics practice? If so, we are here to partner with you every step of the way. Fill out the contact form or send us an email at and we will schedule a call to discuss the possibilities.

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Randy Stepp

CEO of the B.A.R. Aesthetics family of companies. B.A.R. Aesthetic Advisors is a medical aesthetics practice development firm focused on helping budding entrepreneurs and seasoned practice owners build enduring brands. B.A.R. Aesthetic Network is a platform that brings medical aesthetics practice owners the tools and training they need to compete in an ever growing and rapidly changing industry. B.A.R. Aesthetic Lounge is an elevated medical aesthetics brand designed to lead the medical spa industry in client experience and life changing results. B.A.R. Aesthetic brands are driven to raise the B.A.R. on how you look, feel, and interact with the world around you.

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